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January 17, 2016

338 Cows and Goats Puzzle

There are 338 cows and goats in a farm. 2/3 of the cows are equal to 1/5 of the goats in the farm.
How many cows are there in the farm?


Jerry Critter said...

78 cows

Unknown said...

kuny :
sumple algebra :
X + Y = 338
2*X /3 = Y / 5
hence :
X = COWS = 78
Y = GOATS = 260

Josh D. said...

# Cows = C
# Goats = G

C+G = 338
(2/3)*C = (1/5)*G

From the 2nd equation,
(10/3)*C = G

Substituting that into the first,
C + (10/3)*C = 338
(13/3)*C = 338
C = 78
G = 338 - 78 = 260

This satisfies both of the conditions.

Unknown said...

338 lol